Wow, it has been an incredibly long time since I last posted anything on my website… About 4 months even! You know how time just bleeds away when you’re busy? That’s what the past few months have been like for me.
Some time back, I mentioned how I was rebooting my “100 Famous Views of Philadelphia” series with a view of doing all 100 prints and putting them into a large, full-color book like I did with Night Parade last year (Oh yeah! And it’s just 1 year now that Night Parade has been out too!). Well, I have been working night and day on the new images, trying to get one done about each week.
If you’ve been following me on Facebook/Twitter/Google+ then you know that I haven’t been totally silent; only silent on my blog. And you’ve probably seen the images of the finished pieces as I’ve been getting them done. And you’ve probably heard me apologize that I don’t have prints available yet. Well that changes today!
I just created a bunch of prints of the first four images in the new 100 Famous Views of Philadelphia series! Check them out:
These paintings are all now available on my Etsy store. Prints are signed and matted, as always, and they come in 2 different sizes.
I hope you enjoy them, and stay tuned for more new views of Philadelphia coming soon!