A-Yokai-A-Day: Ino Mononoke Roku, Day 22

This year for #ayokaiaday we are looking at the bizarre occurrences which took place at the Ino residence in Miyoshi, Hiroshima, during July of 1749. These occurrences all revolve around a young boy named Ino Heitaro. His story is collected in Ino mononoke roku, a collection of scrolls, books, and legends which collectively form the narrative of a supernatural phenomenon that took place 270 years ago.

On the twenty second morning, Heitaro woke up to the sound of sweeping. Looking out into his living room, he saw that his broom was standing on its own, and sweeping the house all by itself!

Heitaro couldn’t help but laugh. What a great ghost to have!

On the other hand, that night, he was unable to fall asleep. He could hear a great commotion, as if many people were talking, even though nobody was in there.

I guess you have to take the bad with the good.

2 thoughts on “A-Yokai-A-Day: Ino Mononoke Roku, Day 22

  1. Yes… it would be nice to have someone else do the housekeeping. Although, wouldn’t a well-off young man like him already have a housekeeper? Maybe she ran away…

  2. If Heitaro did have a cleaner, I suspect you’re right and they already ran away! But a ghost broom that cleans for you is better than a cleaning lady anyway.

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