Patreon Launch

Hello Readers!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a big update on the blog. Most of my updates over the past year have been geared towards the Kickstarter backers and done through that website, which has the unfortunate consequence of leaving my own website fairly barren.

Now that The Hour of Meeting Evil Spirits is finished and published, I can finally share my next project with everybody, and I can do it on my own blog!

I have just launched a Patreon project at to create more yokai. Patreon is like Kickstarter, but instead of pledging a lump sum to get a book after a year, you pledge a small monthly contribution, like a tip, in order for me to continuously create work.

Through the Patreon project I am going to create a few yokai per month, which I will upload up to, free for everyone to read. Backers will get regular yokai updates with new yokai posts and illustrations during this project, exactly like I did with my Kickstarters, and like I do during A-Yokai-A-Day. So if you would like to get regular yokai updates, please sign up! There are a number of small rewards at the various patron levels, too. You can sign up at

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